Dude, It's Time To Get Your Direct Marketing On Point

Boosting your business comes with this feeling of badassery. The problem is, growing your business is silly-hard too. The first step is all about nailing your direct marketing. It's the key to opening some doors to make some sales, right? And to do that blind, you need to make sure that your email campaigns are hitting your targets right in the feels.
Quite simply: your customers are a savvy lot and don’t want to see clickbait gracing their email inboxes so think creatively before you start your direct campaign.
Headlines are key
Headlines are the key that unlocks the direct email. Strike the right formula and you’ll have your customers following your call to action and have them on your web page, get it wrong and you’ll be lucky not to be added to the junk mail list.
Most marketing emails ask some kind of question so consider starting there. But be careful, make sure your question isn’t something that will get a resounding no, make it relevant and pertinent to your customer and their needs.
Use your words
You can play it safe and sound, or you can use your superior marketing talents to grab attention and get your email opened up.
We tend to notice the first three words of a headline so make your initial opening words count. Think about how you will phrase your question, one word at a time. Try different combinations to see how it sounds and try it out on colleagues and test groups to make sure you’re hitting the winning formula.
One chance wonder
Decide what it is that you want to offer your customer when they read that opening gambit you’ve created. How are you going to know what it is your reader needs? You’ll know because this marketing campaign hasn’t just been plucked out of the air. It will come on the back of weeks of research. You will know exactly what makes your customer tick and just what they’re going to need to get them opening that email. Whether you offer horticultural equipment like trimleaf or hats and clothing, make sure your discount, promotion or reward is on point.
You really have only one chance to get this right so whatever you do, don’t make mistakes in either the headline or in the body of your email. Spelling and grammar mistakes just look sloppy and in the customer’s mind, they translate into doubt about the quality of your products or services.
The secret, of course is to check and then check again. There are many, many online editing tools and dictionaries that will run a spell and sense check for you, so make sure you use them. Then have a colleague or two go through everything you’ve written as a fresh pair of eyes.
The thing to remember about direct mail of course is that it works. Out of the hundreds of emails that you receive in your inbox, many of them will be calling on you to find out more about various products or services or sign up to an email newsletter. Some you will ignore, others will pique your curiosity.
Whatever it is you do and whatever product you’re selling, make your marketing campaign work. You have one attempt at getting it right so make that shot count.